Monday, July 2, 2012

Songhai Women's Capital Fund #4

Alice Chadare

Alice views herself as an integral part of the development of her country. As she says, “Everyone chooses their goals, their work. You can make that contribute to society or not, but I want to see my country improve so I chose a career in agriculture.” 

After finishing her training with Songhai, Alice started a small soap business. Now, the loan from Eliminate Poverty is providing the means for Alice to purchase her own land to start a market garden. Very few women actually hold a land title in their name, so this small act of purchasing land has major implications. The acre of land Alice will start her garden on even came with some perks already in place that will set Alice up even better for success! It has a well, and Laurel trees, which are very profitable; the leaves (bay leaves) are sold for profit and used in sauce. There are also a few avocado trees on the property, another source of profit for Alice. 

Alice plans on planting leafy greens, tomatoes, and spicy peppers during her first season. We look forward to visiting Alice in her garden as she changes the area into a vegetable oasis.

"People always talk about famines here in Africa, but we have the natural resources to develop and avoid starvation. People just need to value and use all their resources like Songhai teaches."

Here is the video of Alice telling her story from our Songhai visit, with the translator. We hope you get a sense of where Alice is coming from and where she is going.

Join us in supporting Songhai and women like Alice by visiting our Donate page.

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